
No, really! Our website for Magpie Curios, due to launch on September 1, 2015 has been postponed due to an unavoidable encounter with a deer in Wyoming. While making our leisurely return to our Tennessee home, a deer decided to play chicken with our van. There were no winners in the long run. Fortunately, there were no human casualties. The deer was given last rites. They grow Really Big Deer in Wyoming! The van was undriveable, and the insurance company decided that it was cheaper to fix it where it was, than to send it home on a trailer. The repair shop estimates that it should be ready by September 11, 2015, if all goes according to plan. Our stock, of course, is mostly on the van, and we don’t want to advertise what we can’t yet deliver. We plan to return to Wyoming as soon as the van is repaired, and drive it safely home, avoiding all of the native wildlife. To be on the safe side, and allowing for the unexpected during the repair process, we decided it was best to postpone the Grand Opening until October 1st. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please do come back to see the new and improved Magpie Curios!

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